Newport – Death and Resurrection
This month (October) we had an interesting but rather macabre talk about the Body Snatchers (or Resurrectionists as they were called) by Alan Tritton.
Newport – Not All My ancestors were Rogues
Derek Fielding had previously given a talk entitled ‘Black Sheep’
Blackwood – A different kind of search.
The final event 2016/7 was a light hearted “Treasure Hunt.” Teams of four set off by car from Cefn Forest to gather photographic clues on a trail compiled by Hilary […]
Newport – Sketches of Old Newport
At the monthly meeting at the Civic Centre, Newport on Wednesday 30th August, we had a new speaker. Margaret Hall (a Newport girl) gave us a talk showing sketches drawn […]
Newport – Life and Work of a Risca Cuckoo: John Brewer
Our chairman John Brewer gave this talk at our meeting on 28th June. He started his talk by explaining the origin of the name ‘cuckoo’ given to inhabitants of Risca. […]
Newport – The Case that Changed the Law
The meeting at the Civic Centre on 31st May was very well attended. Nearly 50 members had come to hear Monty Dart