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Blackwood – A.G.M.

This month’s gathering assembled for our A.G.M. (10 sept 2017) Despite apologies for absence, there was a goodly crowd of 20 souls, which included 6 guests. The weather may have put off some members.

There was the usual deadly silence, when nominations for the various posts were called for. Fortunately, most of the incumbents were willing to carry on. Notable exceptions being Chairman & Treasurer. Health problems being the reasons. John Gillespie stepped in to fill the post of Treasurer. Members were asked to consider the vital position of Chairman & make suggestions on or before our November get-together.

After the serious business was over & a reviving break for refreshments, Wendy Davies bravely stood in for our scheduled speaker & gave details of the Tithe maps for Gwent. These were eagerly scanned by all those present.

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