Gwent Archives archivist Rhiannon Phillips is coming to talk about “From Home Remedies to the Creation of the National Health Service” about Health Provision in Monmouthshire before the National Health Service. It should be an interesting talk about how our forebears looked after their health before the NHS. This will be fascinating and, I imagine, […]
Michael Williams is coming to talk to us about Caerleon Families. Meetings are held from 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. on 2nd Thursday of the month at The Meeting Rooms Church Lane, St Arvans, Monmouthshire, NP16 6EU. NB This is not the St Arvans Memorial Hall on the A466.
Helen Frisby is coming to talk to us about the rituals of Royal deaths and funerals An interesting, and hopefully not sombre, talk about the rituals that are observed when a Royal personage dies. Meetings are held from 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. on 2nd Thursday of the month at The Meeting Rooms Church Lane, St Arvans, […]
The next meeting of the Chepstow & Wye Valley Branch will take place on Thursday 14th November 2024. Anne Hawkins is going to share her experience of researching records of RAF personnel who served in WW2. Her uncle and his wife served in the RAF regiment; he was a gunner and she a driver. I […]
The next meeting of the Chepstow & Wye Valley Branch will take place at the Meeting Rooms in St Arvans, Monmouthshire, NP1 6EU. Our Chairman, William Cook is going to present his research into his ancestor Abraham Cook. Followed by tea, coffee and biscuits. All welcome.
The next meeting of the Chepstow & Wye Valley Branch will take place at the Meeting Rooms in St Arvans, Monmouthshire, NP1 6EU. Sue Poyntz is going to tell us about her journey tracing her Polish ancestors. Followed by tea, coffee and biscuits. All welcome.