Bunyan Rooms, Chepstow Methodist Hall
Albion Square, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, United Kingdom
The Chepstow and Wye Valley Branch of GFHS will hold a short AGM and a Members’ Research evening. As the meeting falls upon Armistice Day, 11th Day of the 11th Month, the theme for the evening will be War and Remembrance. Perhaps you can bring an object or some memorabilia associated with the many conflicts […]
Bunyan Rooms, Chepstow Methodist Hall
Albion Square, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, United Kingdom
The next meeting of the Chepstow & Wye Valley Branch is the branch AGM. For details of the agenda and last year’s minutes, please contact the organizer.
St. Arvans Meeting Rooms
Church Lane, St Arvans, Monmouthshire, United Kingdom
This meeting will be the Annual General Metting for the Chepstow & Wye Valley Branch. For details of the agenda and last year’s minutes, please contact the organizer.