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Blackwood – I thought it would be easy!

Twenty hardy souls braved the inclement weather to attend this evenings meeting. Eighteen members & two guests, were entertained to an amusing disclosure by Keith Jones of part of his family history. He concentrated on his mother’s family by the name of Coates. They originated from the North East of the UK, although Keith, who was born there, counted himself as Welsh, having lived in the Principality, since early childhood. The talk was illustrated by photos which added colour to the narrative. Afterwards, there was an opportunity for members to do some research & to talk to the guests. We may have gained a new member, as an application pack was taken.
Hilary informed those assembled that due to difficulty in finding a suitable venue for the Christmas get together, it had been decided to hold a Christmas Buffet on the next scheduled meeting of the group on Tuesday 13th of December at our normal time of 7.00 pm. If you can contribute some eatables for the evening, please let Hilary know as soon as possible. She also reminded members that some memberships were due for renewal. Also any members with a digital camera, were invited to bring it along to help in photographing some of our paper records, so that they could be put on disc. Remember to bring along your camera connection lead, so that the photos can be downloaded to our computer.

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