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Blackwood – A Rescue Mission

The call came at the end of August, and there was very little notice.    We heard  that the site of Beulah Baptist Chapel in Newbridge was to be developed, and the bulldozers were moving in within a week!

There are over 600 graves there, many sadly neglected and overgrown, and choked with anthills.                                                                                But working parties were organized, and spent two sessions working hard to clear the gravestones of ivy and brambles, and photograph  the inscriptions.  The sun was hot, the long grass underfoot was wet, and the unseen ground uneven and dangerous, but the workers remained cheerful, and managed to photograph most of the inscriptions.

The final four rows still remain shrouded in brambles, so a third visit will be made, with petrol strimmers, to clear the ground ready for a final photographic session. And the bulldozers have not arrived yet!

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