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Imaging Egypt and Palestine in WW1

The Views of an Antique Land: Imaging Egypt and Palestine in the First World War project is holding a roadshow in the Regimental Museum of the Royal Welsh at Brecon over the weekend of 10th, 11th & 12th July 2015.  Our project (which is funded by the Heritage Lottery) is asking the public to share their images of Egypt and Palestine from 1914 – 1918 for a new online resource/archive.  Most people associate the First World War with the mud and trenches of the Western Front, but the war was a global conflict and in the Middle East there was cavalry actions and fast-moving fronts.  Many soldiers who served on the Western Front also served for a time in Egypt and Palestine, but their experiences are less well known.

Our project aims to reveal this often overlooked Middle Eastern front and seeks to make available, via our website, images of military camps, soldiers, and archaeological sites which they may have visited, and the towns through which they passed to provide a snapshot of Egypt and Palestine at that time.  Members of the public are being asked to bring any photos, postcards, stereo-views etc. showing Egypt or Palestine during the First World War period.  The roadshow which is being held at the at the
Regimental Museum of the Royal Welsh in Brecon, will run on Saturday 11th July and Sunday 12th July from 10 am to 4 pm on both days.   Entry to the roadshow is free; although
standard admission applies to the museum so entrants should state that they are visiting the roadshow.

There will also be a free talk on the project given by Professor Paul Nicholson of Cardiff University on Friday 10th July at 7 pm also in the museum.

 From Powys Family History Society

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