Last Saturday, 2nd May 2015, representatives of Pontypool Branch attended an open day at Trevethin Church (St Cadoc’s).
The theme for the day was the 125th.anniversary of the Llanerch colliery disaster.
Nicola prepared an extensive display on the people who lost their lives in the disaster and where they are buried. Newspaper cuttings, photos and information were donated by other members of the branch covering other aspects of the disaster. As a result of the display we have been asked to collaborate with the local history group who are writing a new book on the human side of the disaster rather than the factual books that already exist. The aim of the book is to raise funds for a permanent memorial to the men and boys who lost their lives in the Explosion.
There is a memorial window for the Llanerch disaster in the church.
Unfortunately due to the rain the day was not as busy as usual. But those that attended did seem to enjoy the day and we were able to help people with research queries. One family joined the society as a result of the help we were able to give them.
We received invitations to a couple of other local events while we were at the Open Day but the only confirmed date is the next Open Church Day at St Cadoc’s which will be on Sept 26th.