This is being held on Saturday 15th October at the Church of Latter Day Saints, Factory Road, Newport. NP20 5XX with business commencing at 10.30hrs. Plenty of free parking in car park.
After a short business section with reports from officials and voting on changes, there will be refreshments served and our speaker Monty Dart will follow this.
She will present a short film narrated & produced by herself, entitled ‘Who Killed Dripping Lewis’ and an introduction to this can be found on ‘YouTube’ by searching for ‘Dripping Lewis’.
This will hopefully be followed, time permitting, by an illustrated talk on ‘The Case that Changed the Law’. A true story about Terence O’Neill whose case back in the 1940’s did change the law and inspired Agatha Christie to write the play ‘The Mousetrap’. Entry is free to all but any voting that takes place is restricted to members only.
We encourage everyone to attend and meet your officers but the event is being recorded on ‘Zoom’. Details for accessing Zoom can be requested by contacting the Chairman via email. The access links will be sent out to those that have requested them at the end of the preceding week.