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Meetings for the Newport Branch


The Newport Branch will be restarting its program in 2022. Its meetings will take place on the last Tuesday of each month at the Church of Latter Day Saints in Factory Road, Newport starting at 7pm.

The program to date is (clearly government rules on Covid permitting):

Tuesday January 25                           1921 Census                                                      Paul Nixon

Paul, of ‘Find My Past’, will give a presentation by means of the ‘ZOOM’ interactive System.

The start time has not yet been confirmed.

Tuesday. February 22                    The Life of May Gwenllian Firbank             Robert F. Ashton

Tuesday, March 29                          Llandaff- then and now                                  Rosemary Scadden

Tuesday April 26                               A Literary Life                                                    Paul Carradice

It is hoped and expected that further events will be arranged for subsequent months.

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