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Annual General Meeting 2024

The Gwent Family History Society AGM is to be held on Saturday 26th October 2024 at 10.30hrs. It will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Factory Road, Newport. NP20 5XX.

All are welcome but only current members are able to vote.

Come along and meet the people who give up their time and effort to enable the society to function.

After the business part of the meeting there will be free refreshments available before we have a talk given by Jeff Grosvenor on the “Newport Medieval Ship” which I can vouch for as excellent. Unfortunately due to the time restrictions this will be a shortened version but you can arrange for him on the day to come to your branch and give the full talk to your members.

Come along and support your society on the day.

If you cannot be there you can watch on ‘zoom’ by contacting any of the county committee and have the relevant log in details.

Look forward to meeting as many of you as we can on the day.

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