It is important to know for anyone thinking of attending one of Newport’s meetings in the next couple of months that due to my error in sending in a programme for 2012 rather than an up to date one that the programme in the December journal refers to 2012. The correct programme for the next couple of months is:-
Wed 25th Nov. “Dr William Price” Dean Powell
Mon 7th Dec. “Introduction to the 1939 National Register” Myko Clelland
Wed 9th Dec. Christmas Party (Held at Newport YMCA 7.00pm)
Wed 27th Jan. “What Should we Know about Monmouthshire” Alan Smith
Wed 10th Feb. “Introduction to Family History” John Brewer
Wed 24th Feb “The County Histories of Monmouthshire” David Rimmer
Wed 9th Mar. “Using Civil Registration Records” Don Carter
Wed 30th Mar. “To be announced” Monty Dart
Wed 13th Apr. “What Do Census Records give us” John Brewer
Wed 27th Apr. “London Victorian Cemeteries” Keith Jones
Wed 11th May “Using Parish Records” Malcolm Otton
Wed 8th Jun. “To be announced”
Wed 29th Jun. “The Pioneers” Malcolm Otton
These dates are also to be found in our events page by choosing ‘Events’ from the menu at the top of the page. Once again apologies about the mix up.