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Ebbw Vale & North Gwent Branch Report – March 2015

The only meeting in January took place on the 8th>when twelve people attended a research session. The Social Evening scheduled for January 22nd fell victim to a period of very wintery weather, as did the Help Desk at Tredegar library on January 30th.

The research evening on February 12th was taken up with a committee meeting. A decision was taken to investigate the cost of reinstalling the BT landline at Bethel chapel with a view to making Broadband access available at branch meetings; the rental would be in the name of the chapel but all costs would be met by the branch. It was also agreed to replace certain corrupted discs from the archive, and to purchase a number of publications produced by the Corus museum.

On February 26th we welcomed Ryland Wallace, who gave an interesting and very well-presented account of “The Suffragettes”, with particular emphasis on the movement within Wales. This was the first visit by Dr. Wallace to the branch and a large audience showed its appreciation of his presentation.

The monthly Help Desk was held at Tredegar Library on February 27th.

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